Mayor Warren has emphasized that Fontana is “Open for Business” and during her time as mayor Fontana has experienced economic growth and improved infrastructure.
• Concentrate on Job Creation • Pursue business retention, expansion and attraction • Establish a Quick, Consistent Development Process • Be business friendly at all levels of operation • Strive to constantly improve the City’s competitiveness • Aggressively pursue annexations
Achievements Economic
• Fontana has become a leader and role model for the Inland Empire with consistent and stable leadership for our future. • Prioritized intergovernmental and grant funding and awarded over $85 million in grants over ten years. • Balanced Budget/living within our means and GFOA Financial Reporting award for more than 20 consecutive years. Fontana is the 2ndmost financially sound run community in the United States. • Construction of the amphitheater (4.5 Million), Central Park (12 million), annual investment in Road maintenance of (7 million) and investment in our children in support of the After School Programs of 1.4 million a year to Fontana School District. • Mayor Warren began the “Mayor’s Manufacturing Council,” which saw more than 500 women attend the first annual Inland Empire Women in Manufacturing event.
Improved Infrastructure
• Implemented the Bob Weddle Capital Improvement Program for city-wide infrastructure. • Construction of the South Fontana recycled water project, saving 1000-acre feet of precious drinking water annually. • Awarded $3 million to begin construction of the San Sevaine Trail in North Fontana. • Constructed 5 interchanges and 1 overpass. • Repaired and Enhanced Pedestrian Access at Metro link and Sierra and Juniper (2 million). Construction of the amphitheater (4.5 Million), Central Park (12 million), annual investment in road maintenance of (7 million).