Re-Elect Your Fontana Mayor, Acquanetta Warren
An eight-year councilwoman and two-term mayor, Mayor Acquanetta Warren understands our citizens and our city. Her forward-looking vision for Fontana is balanced by an unyielding commitment to the safety, security and success of our families and businesses.
- Increase City tax revenue and add quality jobs by incentivizing business growth and attracting new business
- Support Police and Fire with first-rate training, staffing and resources
- Preserve our excellent quality of life and keep our neighborhoods clean and maintained
- Prepare our young people to succeed by enhancing job readiness programs, afterschool opportunities and educational excellence
- Work to find grant monies and federal funding for infrastructure improvements, sustainable energy and technology programs
- Continue to promote healthier lifestyles for Fontana families
- Maintain a balanced budget and promote fiscally responsible policies
- Promote Fontana as a transportation hub to attract new business
The Leader Fontana Trusts
With a proven record of integrity, transparency and dedicated leadership, Acquanetta Warren has been making a positive difference for Fontana’s businesses and families for over 16 years.
Economic and Civic Development
- Fontana has become a leader and role model for the Inland Empire with consistent and stable leadership for our future.
- Prioritized intergovernmental and grant funding and awarded over $85 million in grants over ten years.
- Balanced Budget/living within our means and GFOA Financial Reporting award for more than 20 consecutive years. Fontana is the 2nd most financially sound run community in the United States.
- Construction of the amphitheater (4.5 Million), Central Park (12 million), annual investment in Road maintenance of (7 million) and investment in our children in support of the After School Programs of 1.4 million a year to Fontana
School District.
Improved Infrastructure
- Implemented the Bob Weddle Capital Improvement Program for city-wide infrastructure.
- Construction of the South Fontana recycled water project, saving 1000 acre feet of precious drinking water annually.
- Awarded $3 million to begin construction of the San Sevaine Trail in North Fontana.
- Constructed 5 interchanges and 1 overpass.
- Repaired and Enhanced Pedestrian Access at Metro link and Sierra and Juniper (2 million).
Construction of the amphitheater (4.5 Million), Central Park (12 million), annual investment in road maintenance of (7 million).
Enhanced Public Safety
- Added an in-house helicopter program, a city-wide paramedic program and Fire District, a SWAT program, a Bearcat armored vehicle and purchased an armored critical incident vehicle (ROOK) with asset seizure money.
- Reconstructed and remodeled the police station and the John B. Roberts, 78 and 79 fire stations.
- Constructed the Dennis Cunningham Robert E Green Fire Station (73).
- Helping Fontana win 1st in the inland Empire, 4th in the state and 15th in the nation from Business Insider’s “Safest Cities in America” rankings (2013).
Focus on Youth Development
- Construction of the Teen Center.
- Took 1st Place ($120K) in the mid-size city category from the US Conference of Mayors Childhood Obesity Preventions Awards Program and received $120,000.
- Created the award-winning Fontana Leadership Investment Program in partnership with the Fontana Unified School District providing targeted positive development opportunities for high risk youth Webber Seavy Award.
Supported and expanded the Afterschool Program with Fontana USD and Chaffey USD currently providing homework assistance, healthy activities and healthy snacks to over 3,000 kids per day.
Healthy Families – Healthy Fontana
- Constructed the Jesse Turner Health and Fitness Community Center and Miller Fitness Center.
- Constructed the seven mile, border to border, Pacific Electric Trail System for commuting and recreation.
Elevated Quality of Life
- Facilitated construction and development of several former and new facilities such as:
The Veteran’s Resource Center
Senior Center
Heritage Community Center
Ralph M. Lewis Library and Technology Center
Historic Center Stage
Community Services Administration
Development Services Building
Several Senior and Affordable Housing Apartments
Tripled the size of Chaffey College Campus in Fontana - Received national and international award recognition for many city developed programs.
- Constructed the largest library in SB County.